Author Profile

- Articles Written: 38
JJ (who goes by uncl3dunkl3) in the DFS world has a strong track record in all aspects of DFS. JJ is a top 15 NCAA DFS player (both football and basketball) and also is ranked fairly high in all sports on Rotogrinders. He placed 4th in the Fanduel CFB KoTC in 2015 and 5th in the Fanduel CBB Survive the Madness tournament in 2015. Primarily labeled a cash-game player JJ has accumulated over 100K in net profits playing DFS. JJ attributes his success to endless research, disciplined strategies, and his own subjective takes on match-ups. Previously writing CBB DFS articles for LastWordonSports, JJ has the needed writing experience mixed with his personal humor to entertain all readers of his articles.