Optimizer Updates

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We added a few new features to the optimizer:

- Global player search. When you search a player name in the search box on any tab, it will search all players regardless of the position tab you are on. This makes finding a player faster and easier. We also have a suggest come up so you can click the player name without typing out the full name.

- Settings are now saved in your login, not in browser. Previously, if you worked in the optimizer on your desktop in Chrome, your settings were only saved in Chrome. If you went to Firefox or a tablet or phone, you wouldn't see your settings. Now, your settings are saved across all devices as the settings are tied to your login.

- Optimizer Settings has changed to Save Settings and is site specific (launching 1/12/17 in am). Previously if you created an Optimizer Settings profile and saved while on DraftKings that same settings profile would be visible and apply to FanDuel. Now, setting profiles are saved per DFS site for better organization.

- Excluded and Injured players are visible in the players table. Previously excluded and injured players only displayed in the respective tabs (Excludes & Injuries). Now, if you exclude a player, the Red X will highlight and the player will be excluded and in the Excludes tab, but the player remains in the player table so you can easily see who you excludes. Injured players are also visible in the players table and the Injuries tab.

- Home/Away player filter. You can filter the player table based on whether the player is playing at home, away or both.

- Excludes Games. in the Games tab, you can now exclude entire games, but clicking the X next to the teams in the Team column. Saves some time if you don't like the game.

Let us know if you have any questions or further suggestions. Appreciate all the feedback!

8 years ago


8 years ago

thanks for the update. the one part I am not liking is the excluded and injured players are included in players tab. I liked being able to compare the stats of the players I was targeting.

8 years ago

@asr01981 - thanks for the feedback. We did this as people were unable to find players because they were injured and injury news isn't always updated quickly, so players that were potentially active, were being excluded, because injury news wasn't up to date. We felt it was better to have all players visible. We could potentially look at a user option to have excludes not show up in players table if it's causing you an issue.

8 years ago
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