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what best way use optimizer for cash games?

7 years ago

Locking in a safe high floor pitcher is my first move. Funneling out teams that have low run totals is also another step I take in narrowing down the player pool. I want at least four or higher. There is a drop down that does that in the advanced options. Using the lineup value player pool will also give you hitters 1-6 in lineups to look at. The run total model will also increase and decrease projections based on where Vegas thinks the offense is going to be for a given night. I've found this to be a solid cash game model.

7 years ago

JG - whats the best way to use the optimizer for tournaments in MLB? I use almost the same process as i do for cash games but was wondering what options tabs in the model should i be utilizing the most.

7 years ago

The ISO model will definitely come in handy. It will give exposure to a little bit riskier plays, which will result in lower ownership. I like to stack in tournaments as well, so the stacking tool is something I use often.

7 years ago
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